As part of the support to MSMEs, SEDIN implements the SME Business Training and Coaching Loop (SME Loop) to increase employment and income in 3 partner states. The SME Loop approach was developed and successfully piloted in Sierra Leone and is currently being rolled-out in several other countries, e.g. Nigeria, Malawi, Mali and Benin. The first SME Loop was implemented in Nigeria in 2017 over a six-month period, which was used to analyse the approach and adapt it to the Nigeria context. The revised material is being used for a second round of SME Loop implementation since October 2018 onwards.
Based on the experience from the first SME Loop in Nigeria, SEDIN developed training materials for a Business Training and Coaching Loop focused on start-ups (Start-up Loop). Since March 2018, the Start-up Loop has been implemented with 4 partner organisations in the three states.
SMEsabi is an interactive learning platform for SMEs and start-ups, as well as anyone interested in business management and entrepreneurship. The website and mobile app foster new ways of learning: self-study at your own pace and guided learning with interaction with a trainer or coach.
Lead Resources, Abeokuta, Ogun State
Federal University of Technology (FUT), Minna, Niger State
- Development of e-learning platform and mobile app for e-learning
- Development of 5 e-learning modules: Business Model Canvas (BMC), Market and Marketing, Record-Keeping, Access to Finance and Business Planning
- Testing of mobile app and e-learning platform with SMEs, start-ups and university students
- Integration of e-learning into the Start-up Loop to create a blended learning experience
SMEline is a mobile information, communication and marketing platform operational since Autumn 2016 currently with over 10,000 farmer subscriber members. The platform enables farmers to access information on farm inputs, good agricultural practices, markets, weather and more through SMS and voice calls using their basic mobile devices. Conversely, the platform allows commercial partners, organisations and others to interact with farmers to share and exchange information relevant to their businesses, and serves as a channel for easier communication flow.
To disseminate relevant information to aid farmers throughout their farming life cycle and thereby improve their food production, business and livelihoods.
- Farmers
- Solanum Potato and Vegetable Producers and Marketers Association
- Rice Farmers Association of Nigeria (RIFAN), Niger State Chapter
- Mokk Investments Ltd.
- Infotek, Goldstorm Resources
- Commercial partners – e.g. NOVUS Agro, Ignitia, Jubaili, Dizengoff, Bayer, Comtech, etc.
- Extension service providers including ADP, etc.
- Other GIZ/Donor projects including NGOs, etc.
- SMEline model reviewed, revised and updated in 2018 to deliver greater added value services and benefits to different stakeholders
- Continued development of the platform to enable both farmers and partners interests to be met and delivered, to satisfy farmers demand driven business needs
- Establishing partnerships to grow SMEline farmer database as with Solanum and RIFAN via outreach campaigns
- Establish and develop partnerships to source, create and disseminate relevant content to meet farmers needs and expectations
- Identify and select host to take over SMEline
- Maintain and technically manage SMEline platform
The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Trade Liberalisation Scheme (ETLS) is the main tool for promoting West Africa as a free trade area. It permits the free movement of goods originating or produced in ECOWAS member states by eliminating tariff and non-tariff barriers (custom duties, quotas, prohibitions or any such restrictions). SEDIN provides technical support to selected Nigerian companies to register their products under the ETLS allowing businesses greater access to the larger ECOWAS market of 256 million and the opportunity to grow their businesses.
Support selected businesses through the scheme process to successfully register their products under the ETLS.
- SMEs
- MoFA
- Niger CCIMA
- ETLS Sensitisation meetings to SMEs and business chambers
- Identification and selection of ‘export ready’ SMEs and products
- Guiding selected SMEs through the various steps of the scheme process
- Advising on the completion of registration forms and accompanying documents required for the various steps and for products registration
- Managing the process of document submission and registration with Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Facilitating National Approval Committee (NAC) meetings and site visits