The project ‘Economic Development for Peace and Stability in Plateau State’ is closely linked to and implemented together with the GIZ-SEDIN Programme which has been operating in Plateau since April 2011 and a predecessor programme since 2009, both promoting micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Both are implemented jointly by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. Due to this linkage, it is possible to have synergy and leverage effects of implemented activities.
The project is funded through the ‘Instrument for Stability (IfS)’ fund by the European Union. Furthermore the project collaborates with two NGOs, Apurimac and Search for Common Ground, which are implementing the other two IfS-funded projects in Plateau State.
For more information on the EU Delegation in Nigeria click here (link: http://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/nigeria/index_en.htm ), further information about IfS click here (link: http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/index_en.htm)
For more information on SEDIN and GIZ click here (link SEDIN: http://www.sedin-nigeria.net/) and (link GIZ: www.giz.de)
Objective and Target Groups
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the reduction of conflicts and improved peace and stability in Plateau State through employment creation and increased income.
Implementation Area: Selected Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Plateau State, specifically Jos North, Jos South, Jos East, Bassa, Riyom, Barkin Ladi, Bokkos, Kanke, Mangu, Langtang North, Langtang South and Wase.
Due to the variety of activities the project has various target groups and beneficiaries. Under the first pillar, MSMEs as well as MFBs are targeted; the final beneficiaries would be those MSMEs that are able to improve their financial situation. The second pillar works with NGOs and lobby groups as well as (potential) business start-ups and MSMEs, with a specific focus on the youth and on women. The third pillar deals with the private sector (MSMEs) as well as the public sector (local governments) on the local level aiming at improving the conditions for businesses in the selected areas. Lastly, the fourth pillar targets participants of the selected value chain, the producers as well the processors who are at the same time the final beneficiaries.
European Union and German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Implementation Period
2013 to 2017
Implementation Area
Federal level and selected states and border areas in Nigeria
In the 20 months of implementation, the following activities have been carried out:
- Training of 36 local Trainers on Financial Literacy
- Training of 120 Multipliers on Financial Literacy. The multipliers are members of Business Development Committees, who used their gained knowledge to train peer group members
- Basic Financial Literacy Training for MFB target groups, farmer groups, vulnerable groups, NGOs and CBOs. In total 1030 person were trained
- Training for 20 members from 11 different MFBs on Risk Management Framework Implementation
- Trainings on Saving Mobilization for 25 members of MFBs. As a direct result of the training some MFBs reactivated or newly introduced saving products for their clients
- Advocacy training for NGOs and lobby groups
- CEFE Entrepreneurship Training of 15 local trainers
- CEFE Entrepreneurship Training for Illiterates of 8 local trainers
- CEFE Entrepreneurship Training for youths, women, farmers and vulnerable groups. In total 690 people were trained
- CEFE Entrepreneurship Training for Illiterates. In total 800 illiterate women were trained
- Formation and Strengthening trainings for Business Development Committees. Following these training, the already existing BDCs in Barkin Ladi and Jos South LGA were strengthened and BDCs in Bassa, Jos North, Jos East, Riyom and Wase LGAs were newly set up. Follow up activities for the 7 BDCs included advocacy training, strengthening trainings in proposal development and resource mobilization and in effective PPDs
- Training for 20 potato cake cooking demonstrators. They rolled out the training to 1600 women on how to make potato cakes in 150 potato cake cooking demonstrations. 500 of the trained women still using the potato cakes as a mean of income generation (i.e. selling at roadside, caterers, etc.)
- Best agricultural practices training for 1000 farmer
- Technical and organizational training on group formation for 800 farmers. 21 new farmer associations were registered officially. The Farmer Groups are organized under an umbrella organization named Solanum Potato & Vegetable Producer & Marketer Enterprise, which has been officially registered by the Corporate Affairs Commission as a business. Through the umbrella organization contracts between farmer and two supermarkets (Shoprite and Park’n’Shop) have been established giving the farmers the opportunity to deliver 30 tons per months of Marabel potatoes. This is a potato variety from Germany that was introduced to Plateau State by GIZ in 2013 and is now certified by the National Crops Research Institute.
- Six conducted roadshows of the edutainment movie ‘E go better – The Microfinance Way’. The roadshows reach more than 900 people and for the accompanying programme members of the cast and staff of MFBs were present for discussions
Public Private Dialogue (PPD)
- A number of public-private dialogue sessions organized by the BDCs on various topics were conducted. Those include: 5 PPDs on market infrastructure, 5 PPDs on gender mainstreaming, 5 PPDs on youth unemployment, 7 PPDs on security, 7 PPDs on access to farm input, 7 PPDs on access to finance, 1 PPD on market creation with the direct result that a market was established in Jos East LGA.
- Diagnostic study on socio-economic and political environment on local economic development
- Potato market study
- Edutainment movie on Financial Literacy containing of 6 video clips. The movie is available in English, Hausa and Yoruba (link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HalXhz_Q3qI&list=PLSBi7owltPKyxuDm6rqnmkn4kNvur5XXv)
- Radio Programme on Financial Literacy that was aired on 2 radio stations in Hausa and Pidgin English